Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday, March 14

 Another awesome day in the books! After sleeping in a little bit today we met for breakfast then loaded the bus to head to the Steven Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum.  It is one of the largest air/space museums in the world. It houses some of the most important aeronautical relics in history. Some of the most well known include the Enola Gay, the Discovery spaceship and the SR-71. By the Discovery they had a screen set up and people could zoom with an astronaut and ask him questions-it was neat to listen to him! This museum is amazing because it covers aviation and space history throughout the world. I think the students enjoyed the flight simulators the most. We allowed for more time at this museum (1.5hours) but I think many students could have spent more time there. There is just no way to be able to see it all!

After a quick stop at Chic-Fil-A and Wawa we were on our way to the National Cathedral. Today was the first day that groups were welcome back into the National Cathedral. Every piece of the Cathedral is stunning.  It took 83 years for the church to be built; Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone and George H.W. Bush put in the last piece. In 2011 a magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit DC and damaged the Cathedral. They are still doing repairs.  The cathedral has gothic style architecture and has multiple chapels. The stained glass windows are breathtaking. One window includes a moon rock. What I find so interesting about the Cathedral is that it has images and symbolism that is so relevant to people today.  Often when I think of churches, I think of old and stories from long go. However, this historic yet modern church includes Woodrow Wilson, a moon rock, Helen Keller, a lion eating a snake with Hitler’s head, images of world wars, Ham the Astrochimp and Darth Vader. 

After our guided our we walked around for a bit before finding Darth Vader outside. We then made our way to the International Spy Museum.  This museum was all about people who were spies, why people spy and how they spy.  Every person was given a different identity and had to help spy on their case. I think the students really enjoyed this museum- everyone seemed very engaged. 

Next we made our way to the Potomac River for our dinner cruise. We were a bit early, but everyone enjoyed just hanging out and talking. Once we were on the boat we waited for the other group to arrive. The students sang along with the DJ while they waited. Once. The other group arrived we were able to take off and enjoy dinner. It was a buffet with tacos, chicken, macaroni and cheese and salad. The brownies were by far my favorite!

Once dinner was complete people were able to enjoy the upper deck or the dance party on our floor.  We had quite the group dancing! Everyone had a wonderful time! 

Our last stop of the night was at the Jefferson Memorial. It is said that the memorial has great acoustics, so naturally we had to try it out; Sammie Sisk led us in the star spangled banner. Some of our choir kids continued to sing songs and it really was beautiful to listen to. After a short trip back to the hotel it was bedtime! Only one more day in DC! I cannot believe it! 

A message from some students:

Hiiiiiiii, it’s Sammie Sisk I’m really happy that I got the chance to be with these amazing students, parents and my favorite teachers. This will be in my memory’s forever and always. The favorite things I have done so far is singing in the Thomas Jefferson’s Memorial with the few chamber kids that have joined me. Then I also loved the Library of Congress because of all the amazing paintings and structures!!!!!!!

It’s Nathan. Umm I cried when I saw the sr-71 blackbird. That’s it. :)

Kenzie- hi uhh so far I have loved all of this

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March 11, 2024

 It was another packed day! We started our morning at Mount Vernon and explored President Washington's farm. We were able to go through ...