Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024

 It was another packed day! We started our morning at Mount Vernon and explored President Washington's farm. We were able to go through his house, the grounds and lay a wreath at his tomb. Yossel, Amy, Mr. Battani and Mr. Kedley laid a wreath at George Washington's tomb. 

After exploring we went to a restaurant called Primo. It was a family style dinner and they continually brought out food to replenish our table. We also had some authentic baklava.

Next we headed to the Museum of the Army which was very similar to the Marine Corps Museum. Some students participated in a virtual reality experience while others explored the exhibits.

After the museum we headed to a picture stop at the white house before stopping at the Jefferson Memorial.

Dinner was at Eat Brgz before heading back to the National Mall to see the Vietnam Memorial, Korean Memorial and Lincoln Memorial.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024

 It was a chilly and windy, but absolutely wonderful day! Our morning started with hotel breakfast this morning and it was a great spread! Breakfast included eggs, waffles, pastries, fresh fruit, potatoes, cereal and more! Everyone was a little sleepy this morning- with "springing forward" and losing a time for time zones our 6:00am wake-up call became like 4:00am.

Next, we headed to Arlington. It was a great morning and our crew saw many things in the cemetery. Our group was respectful as we walked around. I think a highlight was going to the Arlington House, which is the house at the highest point. There is a beautiful view of the city from there. In talking with people this evening, many said that the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was the highlight of their day.

After a quick bus switch we made our way to lunch before heading to the Smithsonian Museums. Many people ate at Good Stuff Eatery (amazing burgers!).

We all began at the African American History Museum. The museum is intense. It starts in the basement at slavery and as you rise in the building you learn about rising from slavery into the present. Groups were able to go at their own pace and some groups spent over 2 hours and going through the museum and saw less than half of the museum.  

Almost all groups then went to the American History museum. Some popular exhibits were Dorothy's ruby red slippers, R2-D2, the First Lady Inaugural dresses and the Presidents' exhibits. The Presidents' exhibit houses Lincoln's beaver skin hat and students were able to be the president and give a speech.  

We then headed to We, the Pizza. For dinner we got to select two slices of pizza to be cooked for us. They also had salad and cookies. Everyone seemed to enjoy this dinner location!

To close out the evening we went to the MLK Memorial, FDR Memorial and Iwo Jima. The MLK and FDR Memorials are along the Tidal Basin so it was a little windy and cold, but to be able to do them in the daylight was enjoyable. 

We headed back to the hotel early because everyone was tired. Hopefully everyone gets great sleep and are ready for another full day tomorrow!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

March 9, 2024

 We have arrived!! After loading up at the high school this morning our trek to Kansas City went perfectly. We arrived in great time! 

Once we were through security everyone was able to get lunch. The closest places were a chicken place and a panini shop. We have never used the Jassby cards before (a debit card where they automatically put on $15 for each specified meal) but they worked great!

We have over 5 travelers who have never flown before. The flight to Baltimore went well- there was quite a bit of turbulence as we went through a storm, but everyone did really well! 

Once we arrived in Baltimore we went to baggage claim, many students got Starbucks, and then we met our bus driver, Pierre!

Baltimore airport to our dinner location took about an hour. Dinner was at a restaurant called District Taco. Travelers could select from tacos, burrito or bowl. I think most students enjoyed their meal! We also got to meet our tour director for DC, Buck. I can tell he is going to be great with our students! 

After dinner we were supposed to see the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial and Korean Memorial. However, it was down pouring, so we decided to make an adjustment and go to the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts instead. 

We entered through the Hall of Nations, saw Kennedy's bust and then went to the terrace and museum. The museum had a cool feature where it took your picture and could turn you into a portrait painting! Students also enjoyed walking around on the terrace and saw beautiful views of the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument. 

The students all seem to be meshing really well! People are helping each other and to see this camaraderie already on the trip is so exciting!

March 11, 2024

 It was another packed day! We started our morning at Mount Vernon and explored President Washington's farm. We were able to go through ...